
Naive Kunst
Naive Kunst
Nathalia Brodskaya

Die naive Kunst erlangte erstmals gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts Popularität. Bis zu jener Zeit hatte sich diese von Autodidakten ohne formale Ausbildung praktizierte und durch Spontaneität und Einfachheit charakterisierte Ausdrucksform nur geringer Wertschätzung bei „professionellen“ Künstlern und Kunstkritikern erfreut. Die von der primitiven Kunst beeinflusste naive Malerei ist durch die Präzision ihrer Linienführung, ihre Lebendigkeit und fröhlichen Farben sowie durch klare und einfache Formen charakterisiert. Die naive Kunst wird in Frankreich durch Künstler wie Henri Rousseau, Séraphine de Senlis, André Bauchant und Camille Bombois vertreten. Sie hat aber auch in anderen Ländern namhafte Vertreter, etwa Joan Miró, Guido Vedovato, …

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Diego Rivera - Su arte y sus pasiones
Diego Rivera - Su arte y sus pasiones
Gerry Souter

“Ya conocía a Diego Rivera, el muralista mexicano, mucho antes de encontrarme con los otros “Diego Rivera” que circulaban por el mundo entre principios del siglo XX y finales de la década de los 50. (…) Mientras que sus pinturas de caballete constituyen un amplio corpus dentro de su obra temprana y tardía, sus murales únicos hacen estallar las paredes en una explosión de representaciones de gran virtuosismo cuya organización conmociona la mente del espectador. En esas paredes se juntan el hombre, su leyenda y sus mitos, su talento técnico, su intensa focalización sobre la narración de la Historia y …

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Bikini Story
Bikini Story
Patrik Alac

It was in 1946 that the world first came to hear of a coral atoll in the Marshall Islands called Bikini. The following year, French couturier Louis Réard borrowed the name and applied it to a bathing costume for women. Breaking from decades of conformity, Réard dared to ‘undress’ women’s bodies in order to better emphasize what remained clothed - albeit in tiny wisps of material. By taking up the bikini as popular beachwear, women also found themselves thinking differently about their bodies. An ideal of perfection was reinforced by the appearance on the cinema screen of stars such as …

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Nathalia Brodskaïa, Nathalia Brodskaya

“I paint what I see and not what it pleases others to see.” What other words than these of Édouard Manet, seemingly so different from the sentiments of Monet or Renoir, could best define the Impressionist movement? Without a doubt, this singularity was explained when, shortly before his death, Claude Monet wrote: “I remain sorry to have been the cause of the name given to a group the majority of which did not have anything Impressionist.” In this work, Nathalia Brodskaïa examines the contradictions of this late 19th-century movement through the paradox of a group who, while forming a coherent …

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1000 Monuments de Génie
1000 Monuments de Génie
Christopher E.M. Pearson

Depuis la mythique tour de Babel, les hommes ont toujours tenté d’ériger des monuments à la hauteur de leur ego démesuré. Que ce soit les antiques ziggourats, le Taj Mahal ou encore l’Empire State Building, l’homme n’a cessé, depuis des millénaires, de montrer sa puissance grâce à l’érection de ces bâtiments à l’utilité autant religieuse que profane. Témoignages aux mille visages, symboles des valeurs des peuples tels la dévotion, le patriotisme, la puissance ou encore symboles de leur grandeur, ces monuments, par la créativité et l’ingéniosité de leurs architectes, fascinent et attirent aujourd’hui un public sans cesse renouvelé. Cet ouvrage, …

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Le Gréco
Le Gréco
Victoria Charles

El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) (Crète, 1541 – Tolède, 1614) «Le Grec » était un peintre d'icônes qui émigra à Venise en 1567. Là, il commença à mêler ses influences byzantines avec celles des maîtres de la Haute Renaissance italienne. Il étudia auprès de Titien et fut influencé par le Tintoret. Trois ans plus tard, il s'installa à Rome pour environ deux ans, puis se rendit à Madrid et, par la suite, établit sa résidence définitive à Tolède, où il mourut. Ce fut en Espagne qu'il manifesta un intérêt pour les sujets spécifiquement catholiques. Les corps étirés et les agencements de …

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Elisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrun
Elisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrun
W. H. Helm
Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (1755-1842) was not only the rare woman of her time who integrated herself into the French Royal Academy of Painting, but also beloved portraitist to the aristocracy. Her paintings are testament to a key period of history: she was appointed painter and friend to Marie Antoinette before the French Revolution, and took flight across Europe before returning under the reign of Napoleon, all the while continuing to paint. Self-taught, Vigée-Lebrun knew how to get the best from her models, mastering painting effects to perfection and making use of a delicate and refined style.
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The Fauves
The Fauves
Nathalia Brodskaya

Born at the dawn of the 20th century, Fauvism burst onto the artistic scene at the 1905 Salon d'Automne with great controversy by throwing bright, vibrant colours in the face of artistic convention. Fuelled by change, artists like Matisse, Derain, and Vlaminck searched for a new chromatic language by using colour out of its habitual context. Freed from the strict technique advocated by the École des Beaux-Arts, they used blocky colours as their main resource, saturating their stunning paintings. The author invites us to experience this vivid artistic evolution that, although encompassing a short amount of time, left its mark …

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Mikhaïl Guerman
Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) was a Russian painter credited as being among the first to truly venture into abstract art. He persisted in expressing his internal world of abstraction despite negative criticism from his peers. He veered away from painting that could be viewed as representational in order to express his emotions, leading to his unique use of colour and form. Although his works received heavy censure at the time, in later years they would become greatly influential.
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American Graffiti
American Graffiti
Margo Thompson
Das vorliegende Buch präsentiert eine neue Analyse der Verbindungen zwischen dem Kunstgenre Graffiti und dem Werk Jean-Michel Basquiats und spricht insofern sicherlich ein breites Publikum an. Es gibt gegenwärtig nur äußerst wenige Studien zu dieser Thematik, was diese originelle Analyse umso wichtiger macht. Der Autor analysiert den vergleichbaren Hintergrund der Graffiti-Künstler und Basquiats, hebt gleichzeitig jedoch auch die Unterschiede hervor, die Basquiat internationale Berühmtheit verschafften, während der Großteil der Graffiti-Künstler anonym geblieben ist.
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Klaus Carl

Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (June 1599 – August 6 1660), known as Diego Vélasquez, was a painter of the Spanish Golden Age who had considerable influence at the court of King Philip IV. Along with Francisco Goya and Le Greco, he is generally considered to be one of the greatest artists in Spanish history. His style, whilst remaining very personal, belongs firmly in the Baroque movement. Velázquez’s two visits to Italy, evidenced by documents from that time, had a strong effect on the manner in which his work evolved. Besides numerous paintings with historical and cultural value, Diego …

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Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo
Gerry Souter
Frida Kahlo est devenue plus familière aux amateurs d’art après la sortie d’un film sur sa vie. Son OEuvre n’en reste pas moins compliqué dans son approche et sa compréhension. L’auteur, Gerry Souter, avec délicatesse et talent, explore les aspects les plus intimes de l’artiste et de ses oeuvres en alternant vie et création, danger et exaltation. Un livre d’art qui se lit comme un roman.
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