
Tori's Wish
Tori's Wish
Alicia Danielle Voss-Guillén

Tori Salinas can't wait for Christmas! She feels certain that this holiday season will be the best one yet. Her brother Andrew and his wife Stephanie are due to have their baby December twenty-first! More than anything else, Tori wants a niece. After having put up with four big brothers all her life, it's the least she deserves! But when Tori discovers that there is a good chance the baby may be a boy, she becomes worried. Her Christmas wish just has to come true! To make matters worse, she finds out that her uncle's family will be visiting over …

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60.12 MXN eBook EPUB
Génesis 12-50
Génesis 12-50
José Loza Vera

El Génesis es el libro de los orígenes del mundo y de la humanidad, a partir del capítulo 12 los relatos sobre los antepasados exponen los comienzos del pueblo de Dios.Tras contrastar las bondades del Creador con la infidelidad e ingratitud del hombre pecador, vemos en los patriarcas la recompensa, siempre portadora de un futuro mejor como promesa aún no realizada, que Dios otorga a quienes se comprometen con él mediante la fe.La editorial Desclée De Brouwer presenta esta serie de comentarios a la Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén, con la pretensión de que ocupe el espacio abierto en el mercado …

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206.08 MXN eBook PDF
Ser madre, saberse madre, sentirse madre
Ser madre, saberse madre, sentirse madre
Pepa Horno Goicoechea

Aquellos a quienes elegimos como hijos configuran nuestra alma. Yo elegí tener a mi hijo José y él me ha enseñado a mirar la vida y a mí misma a través de sus ojos. Este libro recoge esa mirada y todas esas cosas que me hubiera gustado que alguien me contara, primero, sobre lo que significa ser madre y luego, sobre ser madre adoptiva. Cosas que casi nunca se dicen y yo eché de menos.

...Nadie me dijo que llevaba tiempo saberse madre, llevaba tiempo, horas, minutos, tardes de parque, lavadoras, purés y peluches llegar a saberse madre. Ni que …

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137.32 MXN eBook EPUB
Mi salud mental: un camino práctico
Mi salud mental: un camino práctico
Emilio Garrido Landivar

Este libro, sencillo de leer y con un lenguaje coloquial, quiere hacer llegar al lector dos conceptos básicos, a la vez espontáneos y complejos. El primero, que la salud mental (y también la física) está en gran medida en nuestras manos. Que si queremos y sabemos cómo, podemos hacer mucho por nosotros mismos. Con nuestra acción positiva y práctica podemos ayudar a que la medicación produzca un mayor beneficio.Y segundo, que el psicólogo clínico, el psiquiatra, el médico en general, no pueden hacerlo todo. Somos nosotros quienes debemos tomar un camino práctico hacia nuestra salud mental. Las pautas y orientaciones …

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229.01 MXN eBook EPUB
Como Fazer para Acontecerem Coisas Boas
Como Fazer para Acontecerem Coisas Boas
Marian Rojas Estapé

"A felicidade não se define, "sente-se". Para conhecê-la é preciso tê-la sentido e, uma vez que se tenha vivido, as palavras não são suficientes para explicá-la. Apesar disso, vamos tentar aproximar-nos de diferentes ângulos. "A primeira ideia que quero transmitir é a seguinte: não há guias rápidos nem atalhos que assegurem a felicidade. Existem grandes críticas aos livros de auto-ajuda, que prometem a felicidade com uma receita rápida, mas a verdade é que contamos com inúmeros estudos e dados científicos, que nos aproximam com alguma precisão, do nível do bem-estar físico e psicológico, indispensável para ser feliz."

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189.00 MXN eBook EPUB
Dwyane Wade
Dwyane Wade
Belmont and Belcourt Biographies

Dwyane Wade is one of the best basketball players of his generation. On offense, he has established himself as one of the quickest and most difficult players to guard in the NBA. Wade has also established himself on defense for his ability to block shots and accumulate steals. Most fans are aware his exceptional talents on the court, but in order to truly understand Dwyane Wade, you must first understand where he came from. This book explores Wade’s upbringing, his high school and college careers, and details his breakthrough into the NBA, all the way to the lead-up to the …

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40.01 MXN eBook EPUB
Hi bai matxista zikina!
Hi bai matxista zikina!
Antton Dueso Alarcón

-Hi bai matxista zikina! Egia da, matxista halakoa! Ez duzu kolpe zorririk ere jotzen! Lotsagarria da, matxista atzerakoia! Horixe zara zu! –esan zuen amak. --Ama zuzen ari da! Ez duzu kolperik egiten etxean! Beti telebistaren aurrean zurrungaka! Guk, berriz, eskolatik edo lanetik itzuli eta bazkaria prestatu behar izaten dugu, etxea garbitu, erosketak egin, arropa garbitu... Bixintxok odola bor-bor sentitu zuen zainetan. Matxista? Bera? Pertsona moderno eta liberala zelakoan zegoen Bixintxo. Giza-eskubideen alde beti eta! --Ez naizela matxista frogatuko dizuet. Hemendik atzera neuk egingo ditut etxeko lan denak! Esaldia bukatu orduko damutu zitzaion Bixintxori. Baina, beranduegi. Bixintxorenak egin zuen! --Garbitu komuna, …

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102.92 MXN eBook EPUB
6 Weeks to 6 Pack Abs
6 Weeks to 6 Pack Abs
David Grisaffi

This book consists of the most effective and advanced abdominal and core conditioning exercises on the planet and provides insight on the following: • How to set up a training schedule • The best approach to cardio training • How to get started on your program • The need for warming up • The importance of proper posture and form • How to exercise safely • What equipment to use "6 Weeks to 6 Pack Abs" doesn't require hundreds of crunches or expensive equipment, and believe it or not, there's not a single sit up in any of the workouts. …

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200.87 MXN eBook EPUB
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Cricket
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Cricket
Rob Price

The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Cricket is the most comprehensive and up-to-date cricket-specific training guide in the world today. It contains descriptions and photographs of nearly 100 of the most effective weight training, flexibility, and abdominal exercises used by athletes worldwide. This book features year-round cricket-specific weight-training programs guaranteed to improve your performance and get you results. No other cricket book to date has been so well designed, so easy to use, and so committed to weight training. This book will have players increasing speed, strength, and agility which will translate into becoming a more effective bowler with …

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340.82 MXN eBook EPUB
Mike Krzyzewski
Mike Krzyzewski
Fritz Knapp

As part of the acclaimed Sports Virtues series, "Mike Krzyzewski: Encouragement" discusses the struggles and triumphs of Mike Krzyzewski's life. As with each story in the Sports Virtues series, this book assigns a virtue to a celebrated athlete or coach, and uses that person's story to help the reader achieve that virtue for him or herself. What emerges after reading these stories is not only a greater understanding and appreciation of the virtues that these icons needed to get through life, but also an inspiration for the reader. Each story is followed by a small quotation from literature to amplify …

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60.12 MXN eBook EPUB
Wanderlust Wining Washington State
Wanderlust Wining Washington State
Stefani Jackenthal

Wanderlust Wining Washington State is a fun, delicious journey through many of Washington's finest wine countries; exploring their outdoor activities and wine tasting specialties. It's a one-stop-read to crafting active wine tasting trips in unique (and familiar) wine countries all over Washington State. Discover how to kick off mornings with action-packed activities and spend the remainder of the day sniffing, swirling and sipping through local wineries. Learn how to taste wine like a pro and be in the ''local know'' about the best hiking and mountain biking trails or places to paddle, surf and sail. Visit creameries, galleries or savor …

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261.19 MXN eBook EPUB
Hardcore Circuit Training for Men
Hardcore Circuit Training for Men
Chohwora Udu, James H. McHale

Think circuit training is for the feeble and faint-of-heart? Think again. Hardcore Circuit Training for Men: Swim Circuit is a no-nonsense approach to high intensity fitness training. This workout is intense, diverse, creative, and, most importantly, proven. Swimming is great exercise and with this workout you'll be able to take full advantage of the water's low impact, yet still powerful, resistance, thereby reducing stress on your joints. The exercises in this book will give you the motivation you need to get super fit, and the expertise required to dramatically improve your muscular strength and aerobic fitness.

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120.44 MXN eBook EPUB
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